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Electric Ireland has announced it will provide free Electric Vehicle (EV) Home Chargers to anyone who buys a new Nissan LEAF EV and signs up to Electric Ireland’s 100% Green Electricity Price Plan.
Electric Ireland will fit the charger for you after you sign up in just two easy steps. The 100% Green Electricity Price Plan comes with the additional benefit of an enduring discount of up to 8.5% off Electric Ireland’s standard unit rates.
The Electric Ireland and Nissan partnership is announced the same day that research shows 85% of consumers say they ‘would be willing to change their energy usage behaviours a little to reduce their own carbon footprint’.
In research carried out by the Electric Ireland Brighter Energy Research Tracker, 89% said that they ‘believe energy providers should help people lower their carbon footprint by offering new products and services to help customers use their energy in a more sustainable way’.
In considering the role that energy companies might play in helping people transition to a greener, lower carbon future, 89% of those surveyed think energy companies should ‘advise on how to reduce the carbon footprint and increase energy efficiency of the home’.
Marguerite Sayers, Executive Director of Electric Ireland said: “At Electric Ireland we’ve seen first-hand the power and positivity that can be generated when we all come together, something that is reflected in every home, business and community, and in all the causes and codes we support.
“We also know our customers are looking to make sustainable choices and they want their energy provider to lead the way. Through the continuation of our Brighter Together Energy Programme, which sees the announcement of our new climate-conscious partnership with EV retailer Nissan Ireland, we will add to our suite of products and services designed to help our customers lower their carbon footprint.
“The options for customers, all of which can have a positive climate-change impact, extend from remote home heating controls to our 100% green electricity plan.
“The Covid-19 pandemic has brought home to all of us the power of collective action and if we mobilise our million plus customer base to take just one new sustainable action, we know we can truly create a brighter energy future for everyone.”
The Electric Ireland Brighter Together Energy Programme, which launched earlier this year, supports homes, businesses and communities to collectively contribute towards Ireland’s transition to a low carbon future.
As well as the Electric Ireland Nissan partnership, which launches on November 16, Electric Ireland continue to offer customers:
- Ireland’s only Heat Pump Price Plan with a cheaper unit rate for customers with a heat pump in their homes.
- Access to an Energy Efficiency Incentive Scheme which provides incentives to complete energy efficiency measures within the home (over €4.2 million worth of energy credit has been redeemed through the scheme to date) and;
- A wealth of educational energy saving content and advice on the Electric Ireland Brighter Together hub.
Finally, for those homes that may experience fuel poverty, Electric Ireland’s dedicated Energy Saving Scheme has made €1.2m available in 2020 to support community programmes aimed at improving the energy efficiency of homes at risk of fuel poverty.
Follow our Brighter Together activity on social media using #brightertogether.
Research conducted by Behaviour & Attitudes; field work conducted August 2020 with a nationally representative group of 1,007 adults aged 16+.
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