Landlord Agreement

Electric Ireland Landlord Agreement Terms and Conditions

This landlord agreement has been designed to provide uninterrupted Electricity/Gas (utility) service to your premises between tenants. The utility service will automatically be transferred from the tenant’s name into the landlord’s name with effect from the time a tenant advises us of a move out. Please be aware that you remain liable for any utility service costs at the premises for any periods during which a tenant is not registered as the customer. As landlord you must advise us of any move-in tenants as soon as you become aware of same. You must also provide us with an actual meter reading; in the absence of an actual meter reading an estimated meter reading will be used. For any new tenant with whom you have reached agreement, please ask them to contact Electric Ireland so we can register them as a customer. We will continue to charge you until the new tenant is registered with us.


  • If the property covered by this landlord agreement changes ownership, Electric Ireland should be notified immediately to cancel the agreement.
  • A landlord agreement may be cancelled at any time by writing, calling, or emailing the request to Electric Ireland.
  • The landlord must provide verification of tenant names of the property when requested by Electric Ireland (failure or refusal to cooperate in providing this information could result in cancellation of the landlord’s agreement).


*NB* Landlords should ensure they advise us of their contact details, including their
correspondence address, at which Electric Ireland can contact them.

How to contact Electric Ireland
Phone: 1800 372 372
Address: PO Box 841,
South City delivery office,
Togher, Cork

This signed request from the property owner or authorised agent of the address above, establishes a service agreement, whereby Electric Ireland will provide uninterrupted Electricity/Gas service to the above property when a tenant requests to have their service discontinued when moving out of the property.

As the owner or owner’s authorised agent, I understand and agree to the following conditions:

  1. I agree to be responsible for payment of all Electricity/Gas charges billed under my name, until a new tenant or property owner establishes an account at this address, or until I contact Electric Ireland and request the account be closed in my name.
  2. We will contact you 7 days after a move out by the tenant, advising you of the move out and that the account will be put back into your name.
  3. I agree that Electric Ireland is entitled to rely on information such as move-out dates and meter readings provided to it by a tenant and to charge me accordingly.
  4. I understand Electric Ireland is not obliged to furnish me with any information relating to the account for any period during which a tenant is registered as the customer.
  5. In the event I sell this property, I agree to notify Electric Ireland and request to terminate this agreement for this property.
  6. I confirm that I have the consent of any person whose details I provide, to furnish their personal data for the purposes specified above.
  7. I understand that any personal data furnished by me under these conditions will be handled in accordance with Electric Ireland’s Privacy Notice.