If you are having difficulties logging in to your account online please follow the instructions below.
Residential bill-pay customers
If you have already registered for your online account access and logged in previously
You can reset your password for Your Account Online using your email address that you first registered with.
If you have already registered for your online account access, logged in previously and changed your contact email address
To reset you password please enter your username email (the email address your registered with originally) on the password reset form and the password reset email will be sent to your contact email address.
If you have signed up for your online account access and never logged in previously
Upon registration, we sent you a link to setup your password. This link expires within 24 hours. If you did not click the link to setup your password at that time, the registration would have been cancelled. Simply register online again to access your account.
Residential pre-pay (PAYG) customers
You can reset your password for your online top-up account using your email address.
Electric Ireland Rewards
You can reset your password for accessing Electric Ireland Rewards by using your email address that you first registered with.
Other options
If you are a business customer in ROI or NI please go to Business Online to either reset your password or to setup online access.
If you are a residential keypad customer in Norther Ireland you can change your password here or if you have a credit meter you can reset your password here.
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