Meter reading policy
Your meter reading is used to calculate your bill so we need to make sure our meter reading policy is as transparent as possible.
How often is your meter read
Electricity Meters
Your electricity supply is measured by a meter that is installed and maintained by ESB Networks. There are four planned meter reads per year, providing the ESB Networks meter meter reading technician can access your meter. If the meter reader is unable to access your meter, you will find a card in your post box with instructions on how to supply the reading to ESB Networks.
Gas Meters
Your gas supply is measured by a meter that is installed and maintained by Gas Networks Ireland. There are 3 planned meter reads per year, providing the Gas Networks Ireland meter reading technician can access your meter.
How do meter readings affect your bills
Your energy usage is calculated based on meter readings provided to us by Gas Networks Ireland for gas supply and ESB Networks for electricity supply or on estimated readings (informed by previous usage where available).
Electricity Bills
You receive six bills every year - one every two months. Four bills will be based on actual readings supplied to us by ESB Networks and two bills will be based on estimated readings.
Gas Bills
You receive six bills every year - one every two months*. Three bills will be based on actual meter readings supplied to us by Gas Networks Ireland and three bills will be based on estimated readings.
*Gas customers who use more than 73,000kWh annually will receive a bill on a monthly basis.
Adjusting Estimated Readings
If you believe that an estimated reading is incorrect, please submit your meter reading in Your Account Online or by contacting customer service.
Unregistered usage
If we supply you with electricity and / or gas but your meter does not register it (due to a technical fault, unauthorised interference or some other reason), you‘ll have to pay an estimated amount based on previous usage. This will be comparable to what you would have paid if your meter had registered accurately.
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