
Electric Ireland Smart Electricity Meters for Business

In late 2019 Ireland will begin a five year programme to replace over 2 million analogue electricity meters with new smart meters. From 2021 suppliers will be able to offer new services to customers including products that enable you to shift some of your consumption to off peak times of day when electricity is cheaper. Customers will be able to get more insights into what is driving their consumption & there will be no more estimated bills.

What is a smart meter?

Smart meters are the next generation of electricity meters. Using digital technology, the meters give consumers and suppliers accurate information on energy usage throughout the day. Similar digital meters are being rolled out across Europe and internationally. By 2020 it is expected that over 700 million smart meters will be installed globally. When fully operational, smart meters will bring benefits to the consumer, the environment and the economy.

With smart meters, there will be no need for estimated bills. Businesses will be able to access the information they need to make more informed choices about their consumption and the best tariff option for them. Accurate information about energy usage across the day will allow businesses to manage their bills with greater accuracy.

The economy will benefit because using smart meters will help us to more efficiently manage energy flow at times of high demand. They will also enhance competition and improve consumer experience, customer choice and the range of products and services available to customers.

When will the replacement programme be completed?

Starting in the autumn of 2019, our plan is to replace 250,000 meters between autumn 2019 and the end of 2020 and a further 500,000 meters every year from 2021 to 2024. The meter replacement will be carried out by ESB Networks or by a company working on behalf of ESB Networks.

From 2021, you will have a choice to be provided with more accurate information about energy usage across the day to allow you and your business to manage your bills with greater accuracy than at present.

What are smart electricity services?

Smart meters can give you accurate and regular information on your electricity usage and ensure no estimated bills. They can help businesses make more informed choices about their consumption. They will enable new ways to save money by shifting some of your electricity consumption to (off peak) times of the day when energy is cheaper.

How much is this programme costing?

The replacement of over 2 million electricity meters with the next generation electricity meter over a six-year period will cost some €1.2bn.

Like other infrastructure upgrades, the cost of the meter upgrade will be recouped over time in charges paid for use of the electricity network and so there is no up-front charge to have a smart meter installed.

Do I have to pay for the new meter?

There will be no upfront charge to have a smart meter installed. Like other infrastructure upgrades, the cost of the meter upgrade will be recouped over time in charges paid for use of the electricity network and so there is no up-front charge to have a smart meter installed.

Is my Smart Meter data safe?

Yes. Protecting the privacy and security of customer information is core to the replacement programme. There are very clear rules under data protection legislation to protect consumers and ESB Networks and all other stakeholders work closely with the Data Protection Commissioner. ESB Networks complies fully with the requirements of GDPR legislation.

Are the new meters a risk to my health?

ESB Networks have a total commitment to your health and safety. The upgraded smart meters will be safe and will comply with all necessary requirements and international standards.

Health authorities around the world, including the World Health Organization (WHO), have assessed the scientific evidence and there are no established health effects from smart meters which use similar technology to that used in your mobile phone.

For more information on smart meters and smarter services go to the Electric Ireland Smart Meters page.
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