Our safety recommendations The following information is intended as a general guide only to electrical safety in the workplace. For more detailed information please refer to Electricity in the workplace on the HSA website. How to keep your employees safe Motivate and encourage your staff to be conscious of electrical safety Make them aware of your company's safety statement so they know their obligations Ensure they know where all emergency switches and isolating devices are located Provide safety training for those using electrical equipment Provide First Aid and CPR training in case of an electric shock accident Provide appropriate personal protective equipment and train them to properly use and maintain it Safety procedures in your workplace Put procedures in place to ensure the safety of your staff, your electrical installation and the equipment connected to it Keep an up-to-date record of your electrical installation Update your safety statement when new equipment is installed Your electrical installation Must comply with the Electro Technical Council of Ireland (ETCI) wiring regulations All electrical installation and maintenance work must be carried out by a competent and qualified person ‘Switch’ rooms and safety Switch rooms must be kept free and clear at all times - never use as storage space Keep doors and covers to distribution and fuse boards securely closed Access to the boards must be kept free and clear at all times. Did this answer your question? Yes No Thank you for your feedback