
Why does my gas/electricity bill have no readings?

Do you have a quarter hour meter?

A quarter hour meter is read remotely by MRSO, (Meter Registration System Operator). If your premises has been fitted with a quarter hour (QH) profile meter, your bill will be based on your usage at 15 minute intervals.

That means you won’t see 'from' and 'to' dates on your bill, but you can view your 15 minute (QH) profiles anytime using our Online Account Management tools. If you haven’t signed up yet, Sign up now.

And if you don’t have a quarter hour meter?

There are two reasons for this:

1. You have a Maximum Demand meter where we bill you monthly, with every second bill being estimated.


2. You’re on our General Purpose/General Purpose NightSaver price plan where you can expect to receive 4 bills with actual readings and 2 bills with estimated readings a year.

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