1. Your account number This is your Electric Ireland gas account number. Always quote this number when contacting Electric Ireland 2. To ask about this bill Please call 1800 372 787 to contact Electric Ireland with account queries 3. For emergencies or gas Interruptions Please call Gas Networks Ireland on 1800 20 50 50 to report a gas interruption or emergency 4. GPRN The GPRN is a unique 7 digit reference number used to identify a gas meter connection to the gas network. 5. AC Band A- 6,000 kWh, B- 6,000 kWh – 23,500 kWh, C- 23,000 kWh – 73,000 kWh, Y- 73,000 kWh – 750 MWh, Z- 750 MWh – 5,500 MWh 6. Invoice Number Each bill has its own invoice number. 7. Bill Address This is your chosen postal address for your bill. 8. This bill is for An address will only be shown here on the bill if the postal address is different to the supply address. 9. Billing Period This is the period for which your gas consumption is billed. 10. Reading Type There are three different messages that can appear: 1. We read your meter- A Gas Networks Ireland technician visited your premises and read your meter. 2. We estimated your usage -An estimated reading based on previous readings. 3.You read your meter - You supplied us with your meter readings. 11. Payments Summary of all financial transactions including payments since last bill. 12. Balance Brought Forward This is the total balance due from your previous billing period. 13. Charges for this Period For a detailed breakdown of charges for this period, see back of bill. 14. Total Due This is the total amount due for payment. Payment options are listed on the back of the bill. 15. Pay By All bills must be cleared by the payment date. 14 days credit is allowed for bills without arrears and those with arrears are due immediately. If your bill is paid by direct debit, the amount of the bill is automatically collected from your bank account 14 days later. 16. Remittance Advice You should detach this and send in with non-direct debit payments. 17. Price Plans This is your Electric Ireland gas price plan name. 18. Meter Readings Both your present and previous meter readings are shown, actual readings are indicated by an ‘a’ following the number, estimated readings are indicated by an ‘e’ following the number and customer readings are indicated by a ‘c’ following the number. 19. Units This figure represents the number of units in cubic meters (m^3) or cubic feet (ft^3) which are being billed for. 20. Conversion Factor The conversion factor used to convert the gas from cubic meters or cubic feet to kWh. 21. Gas used (kWh) x unit price The total number of units used in your billing period multiplied by the price per unit. 22. Standing Charge The standing charge is shown as a daily figure which is multiplied by the exact number of days that your bill covers. 23. Carbon Tax From 1st May 2023 the rate of Carbon Tax is 0.877 cent per kWh. 24. Carbon Emissions This shows the amount of kilograms of CO2 produced as a result of your energy consumption this period. Did this answer your question? Yes No Thank you for your feedback