Your bill could be higher or lower due to any of the factors below:
(a) Is your bill estimated?
- On your Bill, if you see an “E” beside your meter reading, it means it’s estimated.
ESB Networks read your meter four times a year, so you’ll always have two estimated bills. Sometimes, ESB Networks or Gas Networks Ireland may not be able to access your meter so they must estimate your usage. And then, when we do get a reading from you, we’ll adjust your bill. But you can submit a meter reading online anytime you wish so you won’t have to wait.
(b) How many days is your bill for?
Your bill is normally issued every 61 days, but sometimes this can change. Check the number of days on this bill compared with your last bill. You can receive e-mails when your bill is issued and can see your latest bill anytime by visiting Business Online.
(c) Have you used more electricity or gas than usual?
Look at the units you used on this bill compared to your bill this time last year. Keep in mind that you’ll use more energy during the winter months compared with summer months. Our Business Online Account Management will help you do this.
(d) If you have a wattless meter, have you exceeded your wattless unit allowance?
Your Wattless charges may be levied if you exceed your wattless unit allowance, which is one third of all your general units.
You can avoid these charges by fitting correction capacitors. Contact your electrical contractor for more information.
(e) Our prices may have changed
Your electricity and gas prices are subject to change but we’ll always inform you in advance.
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