Electric Ireland to power Irish schools with 100% green electricity

Following a competitive process, under the Office of Government Procurement (OGP) Framework for the Provision of Electricity Supply to Public Sector Bodies in Ireland, Electric Ireland has been chosen to supply electricity to approximately 1,500 primary and secondary schools across Ireland.
The three-year contract is worth over €30 million and Electric Ireland has committed to supplying 100% green electricity.
This successful contract bid reinforces Electric Ireland’s current position as an electricity supplier to much of the public sector, already supplying central Government departments, Government agencies, and the security sector, which includes An Gárda Síochana, the Irish Defence Forces and the Irish Prison Service.
The OGP, who has long been proactive in ensuring that the public sector reaches the renewable targets set by Government, sees the delivery of 100% green electricity to schools as a significant milestone.
Dermot McArdle, Head of Business Markets at Electric Ireland, said: “Electric Ireland is committed to assisting organisations in meeting their sustainability objectives through 100% green electricity. As Ireland’s leading energy supplier to business customers, Electric Ireland’s proven experience, versatility and competitive pricing is helping organisations of all sizes around the country to easily make the switch to green electricity.”
Electric Ireland supplied 50% more electricity sourced from renewable generation year-on-year to Irish businesses in 2020, continuing its long track record of supporting the development of renewable generation projects in Ireland. The increase in supply of green electricity in 2020 now means that over two-thirds of Electric Ireland’s business electricity supply to customers is 100% green electricity.
Electric Ireland’s business markets unit supplies and provides expert advice on electricity, gas and innovative energy services for organisations in Ireland from large users of energy like manufacturing plants and data centres through to medium sized operations and small businesses.
To learn more about switching to 100% green electricity, or how Electric Ireland can help meet your sustainability goals, visit www.electricireland.com/business/home
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